Monday, October 30, 2006

Play Lacrosse Using the Right Equipment

Play Lacrosse Using the Right Equipment: "The sport of Lacrosse is an exciting game that is more popular in Europe than in the United States. It is important to be aware that this fun game can cause serious injuries and prove to be quite dangerous at times. However, you can reduce the risk of injury by wearing the proper equipment, and enjoy the game thoroughly.

It is absolutely necessary to wear a helmet when you play Lacrosse because head injuries are quite common to the sport. You can imagine how serious the damage can be when the ball with an eight inch circumference, hit by the stick, lands straight on your head. The only way to protect your head is to wear the helmet with a simple chin strap that helps hold the helmet securely to the head. " ... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...

Sprint Triathlon For The Tough Hearted

Sprint Triathlon For The Tough Hearted: "Even the fittest and the toughest of the athletes do get some shares of pain during the triathlon race. Triathlon is simply a game of endurance. The only thing that one can do is to believe that somehow, he will be able to reach the finish line. One has to battle with distances, with fatigue and with lack of strength. And it is likely that at the end, he'll be having thoughts of quitting but his inner self will convince him that's its already too late to quit." ... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...

How To Improve Your Golf Swing

How To Improve Your Golf Swing: "Golf is one of the few games in the whole world where less is more. In other words, the lower you score, the better your chances of winning. As any seasoned golfer will tell you, the key to winning a golf game is all in the swing. As a rookie, the first fact you should know is that a better swing will make you a better golfer.

It is pertinent for a beginner to first learn the mechanics of a golf swing but it should be the very last thing on his mind when actually playing golf. To put it simply, a golfer swings from memory and not from conscious thought. As a matter of fact, the only time you should be paying attention to your swinging technique is when you are learning a new motion and are practicing it till you can convert it into a natural action." ... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...

Parachuting Is Fun

Parachuting Is Fun: "What is the parachute? Nothing more than a thin, lightweight fabric, supported by tapes and suspension lines and attached to one's body by special strong shoulder and waist straps, called risers, once manufactured out of silk. However, the days when parachutes were made out of silk have long passed. During the Second World War the parachutes introduced were made out from more durable materials, like woven nylon fabric. Today's parachutes are made from a variety of long-lasting fabrics and materials, all selected to enhance performance and improve consistency over time; needless to say, something extremely important when one's life is at stake!" ... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...